Gstechnologies share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Gstechnologies. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
10:24:22 - 03-May-24 0.974 95,637 Buy* 0.95 0.98
10:23:39 - 03-May-24 0.961 100,000 Sell* 0.95 0.98
10:17:00 - 03-May-24 0.974 108,008 Buy* 0.95 0.98
10:13:28 - 03-May-24 0.977 10,235 Buy* 0.95 0.98
10:12:52 - 03-May-24 0.97 500,000 Buy* 0.95 0.98
09:59:10 - 03-May-24 0.97 107,836 Buy* 0.95 0.98
09:55:28 - 03-May-24 0.967 1,033,200 Buy* 0.95 0.98
09:55:11 - 03-May-24 0.967 45,920 Buy* 0.95 0.98
09:50:56 - 03-May-24 0.965 879,845 Buy* 0.94 0.98
09:35:21 - 03-May-24 0.964 518,154 Buy* 0.94 0.98
09:31:22 - 03-May-24 0.964 54,776 Buy* 0.94 0.98
09:24:22 - 03-May-24 0.965 25,204 Buy* 0.94 0.98
09:09:38 - 03-May-24 0.959 363,338 Sell* 0.94 0.98
09:09:02 - 03-May-24 0.98 5,000 Buy* 0.94 0.98
09:08:32 - 03-May-24 0.95 525,057 Buy* 0.93 0.95
09:03:44 - 03-May-24 0.946 422,215 Buy* 0.93 0.95
09:03:03 - 03-May-24 0.945 528,571 Buy* 0.93 0.95
09:02:45 - 03-May-24 0.945 528,571 Buy* 0.93 0.95
08:51:04 - 03-May-24 0.931 64,984 Sell* 0.93 0.95
08:41:02 - 03-May-24 0.94 49,694 Buy* 0.93 0.95
08:35:56 - 03-May-24 0.931 39,471 Sell* 0.93 0.95
08:35:56 - 03-May-24 0.94 38,669 Buy* 0.93 0.95
08:17:11 - 03-May-24 0.94 1,000,000 Sell* 0.94 0.95
07:58:30 - 03-May-24 0.946 59,794 Buy* 0.94 0.95
07:56:37 - 03-May-24 0.941 58,873 Sell* 0.94 0.95
07:51:10 - 03-May-24 0.944 318,745 Sell* 0.94 0.95
07:46:34 - 03-May-24 0.946 52,399 Buy* 0.94 0.95
07:05:21 - 03-May-24 0.947 1,015,000 Buy* 0.94 0.95