L&g Battery share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for L&g Battery. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
15:37:00 - 14-Jun-24 17.2137 232 Unknown* 17.124 17.152
15:37:00 - 14-Jun-24 17.2137 221 Unknown* 17.124 17.152
15:37:00 - 14-Jun-24 17.2137 232 Unknown* 17.124 17.152
15:37:00 - 14-Jun-24 17.2137 221 Unknown* 17.124 17.152
15:19:43 - 14-Jun-24 17.12 225 Sell* 17.12 17.136
15:05:23 - 14-Jun-24 17.22648 3 Unknown* 17.108 17.124
15:00:56 - 14-Jun-24 17.148 10 Buy* 17.116 17.136
14:50:09 - 14-Jun-24 17.096 9 Sell* 17.096 17.11
14:45:46 - 14-Jun-24 17.096 40 Buy* 17.082 17.096
11:27:20 - 14-Jun-24 17.25666 146 Unknown* 17.076 17.098
14:28:29 - 14-Jun-24 17.122 1,869 Sell* 17.122 17.144
13:50:42 - 14-Jun-24 17.20 2 Buy* 17.18 17.20
13:34:14 - 14-Jun-24 17.194 525 Buy* 17.18 17.194
13:30:04 - 14-Jun-24 17.32754 6 Unknown* 17.172 17.242
13:23:25 - 14-Jun-24 17.188 1 Sell* 17.188 17.212
13:08:42 - 14-Jun-24 17.202 234 Sell* 17.198 17.226
13:08:00 - 14-Jun-24 17.20 25 Buy* 17.198 17.22
13:07:19 - 14-Jun-24 17.198 290 Sell* 17.198 17.218
10:34:55 - 14-Jun-24 17.21 0 Unknown* 17.186 17.21
10:03:20 - 14-Jun-24 17.202 4,236 Buy* 17.18 17.202
09:33:12 - 14-Jun-24 17.25 10 Buy* 17.222 17.25
09:30:55 - 14-Jun-24 17.37061 0 Unknown* 17.238 17.27
07:51:47 - 14-Jun-24 17.322 625 Sell* 17.322 17.348
07:09:59 - 14-Jun-24 17.36 263 Sell* 17.36 17.396
07:06:51 - 14-Jun-24 17.368 158 Buy* 17.362 17.368
07:05:23 - 14-Jun-24 17.416 0 Unknown* 17.362 17.416
07:04:05 - 14-Jun-24 17.44729 2 Unknown* 17.362 17.416
07:00:19 - 14-Jun-24 17.368 211 Sell* 17.368 17.394
07:00:02 - 14-Jun-24 17.39 0 Unknown* 17.376 17.39
07:00:02 - 14-Jun-24 17.39 0 Unknown* 17.376 17.39