Aptamer Group share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Aptamer Group. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
13:55:47 - 14-May-24 0.751 100,000 Buy* 0.70 0.80
11:59:58 - 14-May-24 0.80 30,063 Buy* 0.70 0.80
11:42:09 - 14-May-24 0.784 124,625 Buy* 0.70 0.80
10:53:10 - 14-May-24 0.80 47,560 Buy* 0.70 0.80
10:52:18 - 14-May-24 0.80 51,335 Buy* 0.70 0.80
10:09:49 - 14-May-24 0.764 57,014 Buy* 0.70 0.80
09:13:54 - 14-May-24 0.764 6,082 Buy* 0.70 0.80
09:13:20 - 14-May-24 0.80 532,257 Buy* 0.70 0.80
09:06:17 - 14-May-24 0.764 31,708 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:41:22 - 14-May-24 0.701 4,174 Sell* 0.70 0.80
08:36:11 - 14-May-24 0.751 50,000 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:34:40 - 14-May-24 0.764 110,000 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:33:42 - 14-May-24 0.774 500,000 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:33:10 - 14-May-24 0.775 450,000 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:30:40 - 14-May-24 0.78 633,409 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:18:00 - 14-May-24 0.764 65,402 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:05:27 - 14-May-24 0.737 150,000 Sell* 0.70 0.80
08:04:21 - 14-May-24 0.799 13,083,205 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:04:21 - 14-May-24 0.797 -13,083,205 Unknown* 0.70 0.80
08:04:30 - 14-May-24 0.80 13,083,205 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:04:21 - 14-May-24 0.797 13,083,205 Buy* 0.70 0.80
08:00:25 - 14-May-24 0.735 597,279 Sell* 0.70 0.80
07:49:11 - 14-May-24 0.735 37,125 Sell* 0.70 0.80