(ShareCast News) - Developer of the Fruitflow heart-health functional food product, Provexis, announced on Friday that the company's alliance partner for Fruitflow, DSM Nutritional Products, has entered into a strategic collaboration agreement for Fruitflow with BY-HEALTH Co, a substantial listed Chinese dietary supplement business.The AIM-traded firm said the strategic collaboration agreement between DSM and BY-HEALTH will focus on the development of new products that contribute to cardiovascular health, to include the establishment of relevant evaluation and testing procedures to accord with Chinese technical and regulatory standards.It said the development process will target the creation of new products for people who are at risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly to include those over 40 years of age."There are already more than 230m people in China who are thought to have cardiovascular disease, and a significant increase in cardiovascular events is expected in China over the course of the next decade based on population aging and growth alone," its board said in a statement."The company believes that Fruitflow has the potential to play an import role in primary prevention in the Chinese market."Provexis said the collaboration agreement was signed at the Guangzhou International Symposium on Nutrition and Health, which had the theme 'Nutrition and Chronic Diseases: New Development, New Challenges'.The company's lead scientist Dr Niamh O'Kennedy, who played a key role in the development of Fruitflow, gave a presentation to the Guangzhou International Symposium concerning the cardiovascular benefits of Fruitflow.Provexis said it will provide scientific and technical support for Fruitflow to DSM and BY-HEALTH throughout the collaboration.