Mirriad Advertising share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Mirriad Advertising. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
15:20:11 - 02-May-24 2.131 469,154 Sell* 2.10 2.25
13:58:00 - 02-May-24 2.20 90,477 Sell* 2.20 2.25
13:52:13 - 02-May-24 2.10 2,272 Sell* 2.10 2.20
13:51:56 - 02-May-24 2.192 90,787 Buy* 2.05 2.20
13:51:13 - 02-May-24 2.179 207,535 Buy* 2.05 2.20
13:30:49 - 02-May-24 2.173 115,048 Buy* 2.05 2.20
11:30:12 - 02-May-24 2.063 17,995 Sell* 2.05 2.25
11:21:21 - 02-May-24 2.175 3,678 Buy* 2.05 2.25
10:48:47 - 02-May-24 2.113 45,000 Sell* 2.10 2.25
09:57:10 - 02-May-24 2.18 45,432 Buy* 2.10 2.25
09:42:08 - 02-May-24 2.10 375 Sell* 2.10 2.25
09:19:06 - 02-May-24 2.19 275,000 Buy* 2.10 2.20
09:14:24 - 02-May-24 2.125 100,000 Buy* 2.00 2.20
08:56:14 - 02-May-24 2.13 386,577 Buy* 2.00 2.20
08:27:24 - 02-May-24 2.09 50,000 Sell* 2.00 2.20
08:12:34 - 02-May-24 2.09 100,000 Sell* 2.00 2.20
07:50:57 - 02-May-24 2.136 199,304 Buy* 2.00 2.20
07:47:55 - 02-May-24 2.14 229,462 Buy* 2.00 2.20
07:44:09 - 02-May-24 2.025 200,000 Sell* 2.00 2.20
07:40:17 - 02-May-24 2.06 250,000 Sell* 2.10 2.25
07:39:03 - 02-May-24 2.112 200,000 Sell* 2.10 2.25
07:11:37 - 02-May-24 2.111 16,697 Sell* 2.10 2.25
07:01:07 - 02-May-24 2.20 9,090 Buy* 2.10 2.20