Dm Ppty Gbp-h share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Dm Ppty Gbp-h. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
15:35:28 - 03-May-24 4.5825 720 Sell* 4.574 4.585
15:19:54 - 03-May-24 4.58 23 Buy* 4.5695 4.58
14:28:03 - 03-May-24 4.5709 170 Sell* 4.5705 4.5815
13:49:45 - 03-May-24 4.6112 460 Buy* 4.602 4.6125
12:14:08 - 03-May-24 4.5475 5 Sell* 4.5475 4.555
11:52:09 - 03-May-24 4.5555 5 Buy* 4.547 4.5555
11:17:25 - 03-May-24 4.5488 87 Buy* 4.545 4.551
10:15:12 - 03-May-24 4.55227 3,671 Buy* 4.548 4.5525
10:00:33 - 03-May-24 4.5493 10 Buy* 4.547 4.5515
09:49:08 - 03-May-24 4.5472 2,637 Sell* 4.547 4.551
09:48:51 - 03-May-24 4.5489 736 Sell* 4.547 4.551
07:00:32 - 03-May-24 4.5515 0 Unknown* 4.541 4.5515
07:00:32 - 03-May-24 4.5515 1 Buy* 4.541 4.5515
07:00:27 - 03-May-24 4.5415 721 Sell* 4.5415 4.553