Tr 4 1/4% 49 share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Tr 4 1/4% 49. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
15:29:13 - 31-May-24 92.7585 21,566 Buy* 92.49 92.99
13:45:45 - 31-May-24 92.5332 10,343 Sell* 92.33 92.83
13:28:22 - 31-May-24 92.4285 1,000 Buy* 92.16 92.66
12:55:41 - 31-May-24 92.2615 10,343 Sell* 92.13 92.63
12:18:12 - 31-May-24 91.9085 527 Buy* 91.64 92.14
10:53:36 - 31-May-24 91.5985 977 Sell* 91.35 91.85
10:45:50 - 31-May-24 91.6185 5,000 Buy* 91.35 91.85
10:26:19 - 31-May-24 91.6085 5,000 Buy* 91.34 91.84
10:08:51 - 31-May-24 91.6685 5,000 Buy* 91.40 91.90
09:03:55 - 31-May-24 91.5185 5,500 Sell* 91.27 91.77
09:00:22 - 31-May-24 91.625 50,000 Buy* 91.37 91.87
08:55:09 - 31-May-24 91.6585 27,285 Buy* 91.39 91.89
08:38:11 - 31-May-24 91.7585 4,684 Buy* 91.47 91.97
08:06:20 - 31-May-24 91.7785 10,343 Buy* 91.51 92.01
07:45:36 - 31-May-24 91.7885 5,450 Buy* 91.52 92.02