Is Gb Cp Bd Hdg share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Is Gb Cp Bd Hdg. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
11:36:44 - 03-May-24 5.552 133 Sell* 5.552 5.555
11:33:11 - 03-May-24 5.557 18 Buy* 5.552 5.558
11:32:44 - 03-May-24 5.55 834 Sell* 5.55 5.558
11:15:15 - 03-May-24 5.549 1,074 Sell* 5.549 5.557
10:48:34 - 03-May-24 5.551 770 Sell* 5.551 5.559
10:48:34 - 03-May-24 5.552 58 Sell* 5.552 5.559
10:32:21 - 03-May-24 5.557 18 Buy* 5.552 5.558
10:14:58 - 03-May-24 5.557 44 Buy* 5.55 5.558
10:01:17 - 03-May-24 5.557 662 Buy* 5.549 5.558
09:34:34 - 03-May-24 5.556 35,034 Buy* 5.548 5.557
09:31:56 - 03-May-24 5.556 623 Buy* 5.548 5.557
09:19:18 - 03-May-24 5.548 2,080 Sell* 5.548 5.557
09:19:18 - 03-May-24 5.549 57 Sell* 5.549 5.557
08:37:28 - 03-May-24 5.554 67 Buy* 5.547 5.555
08:37:24 - 03-May-24 5.547 2,355 Sell* 5.547 5.556
07:00:29 - 03-May-24 5.559 32 Buy* 5.541 5.559
07:00:15 - 03-May-24 5.57 1 Buy* 5.521 5.57
07:00:15 - 03-May-24 5.565 411 Buy* 5.52 5.565