Blencowe Resou. share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Blencowe Resou.. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
13:15:19 - 02-May-24 5.044 9,764 Buy* 4.60 5.10
12:57:51 - 02-May-24 5.10 39 Buy* 4.60 5.10
12:57:51 - 02-May-24 5.10 36 Buy* 4.60 5.10
12:13:39 - 02-May-24 4.77 20,000 Sell* 4.70 5.10
12:12:36 - 02-May-24 5.10 21 Buy* 4.70 5.10
12:12:36 - 02-May-24 5.10 37 Buy* 4.70 5.10
12:12:19 - 02-May-24 4.852 115,181 Sell* 4.80 5.10
12:12:03 - 02-May-24 4.852 100,000 Sell* 4.80 5.10
11:26:51 - 02-May-24 4.852 4,369 Sell* 4.80 5.10
10:06:29 - 02-May-24 5.085 40,701 Buy* 4.80 5.10
10:05:38 - 02-May-24 5.045 39,445 Buy* 4.80 5.10
09:57:31 - 02-May-24 5.02 19,000 Buy* 4.80 5.10
09:34:22 - 02-May-24 5.085 234 Buy* 4.80 5.10
09:30:06 - 02-May-24 5.02 40,000 Buy* 4.80 5.10
09:16:40 - 02-May-24 4.816 20,728 Sell* 4.80 5.10
09:14:56 - 02-May-24 5.025 26,000 Buy* 4.80 5.10
09:14:51 - 02-May-24 5.07 196,154 Buy* 4.80 5.10
09:14:50 - 02-May-24 5.10 1,000 Buy* 4.80 5.10
09:14:50 - 02-May-24 5.10 105 Buy* 4.80 5.10
09:05:30 - 02-May-24 5.10 48,500 Sell* 5.00 5.40
09:03:09 - 02-May-24 5.10 487 Sell* 5.00 5.40
08:56:18 - 02-May-24 5.02 60 Sell* 5.00 5.40
07:13:29 - 02-May-24 5.40 9,213 Buy* 5.00 5.40
07:13:29 - 02-May-24 5.40 921 Buy* 5.00 5.40
07:13:29 - 02-May-24 5.40 177 Buy* 5.00 5.40
07:13:29 - 02-May-24 5.40 1,354 Buy* 5.00 5.40
07:13:29 - 02-May-24 5.40 50 Buy* 5.00 5.40
07:13:29 - 02-May-24 5.40 92 Buy* 5.00 5.40
07:13:29 - 02-May-24 5.40 1,842 Buy* 5.00 5.40