Arc Minerals share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Arc Minerals. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
15:41:43 - 17-May-24 1.83 1,000,000 Buy* 1.75 1.85
15:18:40 - 17-May-24 1.778 239,550 Sell* 1.75 1.90
15:02:37 - 17-May-24 1.778 60,000 Sell* 1.75 1.90
14:28:09 - 17-May-24 1.778 143,899 Sell* 1.75 1.90
14:27:36 - 17-May-24 1.778 22,520 Sell* 1.75 1.90
14:08:14 - 17-May-24 1.814 50,000 Sell* 1.75 1.90
14:00:40 - 17-May-24 1.90 15,000 Buy* 1.75 1.90
13:18:45 - 17-May-24 1.779 55,920 Sell* 1.75 1.90
12:54:59 - 17-May-24 1.828 164 Buy* 1.75 1.90
12:36:21 - 17-May-24 1.817 164,404 Sell* 1.75 1.90
11:40:15 - 17-May-24 1.817 10,000 Sell* 1.75 1.90
11:26:57 - 17-May-24 1.778 13,988 Sell* 1.75 1.90
11:25:07 - 17-May-24 1.78 156,762 Sell* 1.75 1.90
10:52:26 - 17-May-24 1.795 150,000 Sell* 1.75 1.90
10:41:08 - 17-May-24 1.795 5,126 Sell* 1.75 1.90
10:32:55 - 17-May-24 1.795 55,000 Sell* 1.75 1.90
09:59:20 - 17-May-24 1.795 223,173 Sell* 1.75 1.90
09:50:13 - 17-May-24 1.797 200,000 Sell* 1.75 1.90
09:25:01 - 17-May-24 1.795 395 Sell* 1.75 1.90
09:23:38 - 17-May-24 1.826 250,000 Buy* 1.75 1.90
09:16:07 - 17-May-24 1.824 40,000 Sell* 1.75 1.90
09:04:09 - 17-May-24 1.828 218 Buy* 1.75 1.90
09:02:31 - 17-May-24 1.824 22,000 Sell* 1.75 1.90
08:40:06 - 17-May-24 1.828 1,093 Buy* 1.75 1.90
08:14:58 - 17-May-24 1.824 20,925 Sell* 1.75 1.90
08:12:37 - 17-May-24 1.825 1,705 Unknown* 1.75 1.90
08:12:28 - 17-May-24 1.825 52,210 Unknown* 1.75 1.90