Vaneck High Div share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Vaneck High Div. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
12:57:36 - 03-May-24 33.00238 1,775 Buy* 32.955 33.035
12:13:43 - 03-May-24 33.04 1 Buy* 32.925 33.04
11:29:20 - 03-May-24 32.9396 99 Sell* 32.925 33.045
11:14:06 - 03-May-24 32.9891 956 Buy* 32.90 33.02
10:27:35 - 03-May-24 32.99609 1,515 Buy* 32.935 33.045
09:29:42 - 03-May-24 32.9695 485 Buy* 32.885 33.015
09:11:36 - 03-May-24 33.03 1 Buy* 32.91 33.03
08:46:13 - 03-May-24 32.9786 36 Buy* 32.895 33.005
08:24:04 - 03-May-24 32.90755 1 Sell* 32.905 32.99
08:17:17 - 03-May-24 32.995 40 Buy* 32.875 32.995
08:01:20 - 03-May-24 32.9707 42 Buy* 32.865 33.00
07:58:33 - 03-May-24 32.95236 2,427 Buy* 32.865 33.005
07:30:07 - 03-May-24 32.9554 30 Buy* 32.86 32.985
07:00:28 - 03-May-24 32.98854 318 Buy* 32.87 33.05