Ivz Nas-100 Esg share trades.

The following table shows today's trades for Ivz Nas-100 Esg. Buy trades are shown in blue, and sells are shown in red. Unknown trades are shown in black. Trades are estimated as a buy or sell dependant on whether the trade execution price was closer to the BID (lower price, therefore a sell), or the ASK price (higher price, therefore a buy).
Time / Date Trade Price Volume Buy / Sell Bid Ask
15:18:14 - 14-Jun-24 4,502.00 146 Buy* 4,495.50 4,502.00
15:18:14 - 14-Jun-24 4,499.50 200 Buy* 4,495.50 4,499.50
14:06:33 - 14-Jun-24 4,506.00 111 Buy* 4,500.50 4,506.00
12:09:20 - 14-Jun-24 4,474.295 1,185 Sell* 4,473.00 4,477.50
11:52:43 - 14-Jun-24 4,467.26 72 Sell* 4,466.50 4,471.00
09:00:53 - 14-Jun-24 4,484.00 7 Sell* 4,484.00 4,490.00
07:53:03 - 14-Jun-24 4,485.615 66 Sell* 4,485.00 4,486.50
07:50:45 - 14-Jun-24 4,485.115 44 Buy* 4,484.00 4,485.50
07:04:07 - 14-Jun-24 4,481.50 8 Buy* 4,480.50 4,481.50
07:04:03 - 14-Jun-24 4,481.00 66 Buy* 4,479.50 4,481.50
07:04:01 - 14-Jun-24 4,481.00 22 Buy* 4,479.50 4,481.00